The IP4MaaS project aims to advance the uptake of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) schemes by analysing and testing technologies developed under the Innovation Programme 4 (IP4) of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking. IP4MaaS will conduct six demonstrations across Europe testing IP4 technologies in different contexts and will deliver a solid demonstration execution scheme that can be utilised by other projects.
About IP4MaaS
IP4MaaS & IP4
The Shift2Rail (S2R) Innovation Programme 4 (IP4) aims to build a digital ecosystem for door-to door travel in Europe, making railways and public transport more attractive. IP4MaaS takes up the challenge of providing the individual IT solutions developed in other IP4 projects by combining them into solutions for specific demonstration scenarios in multiple real environments across Europe.
Demo Sites
To test IP4 technologies in the real world, by real passengers, IP4MaaS will deploy six demo sites across Europe testing various forms of multimodal travel and functionalities.
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