About IP4MaaS


The IP4MaaS project aims to advance the uptake of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) schemes by analysing and testing technologies developed under the Innovation Programme 4 (IP4) of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking. By doing this, IP4MaaS contributes to the digital ecosystem for door-to door travel in a seamless, multimodal and European-wide transport system based on the railways.

The main goal of IP4MaaS is to design, execute, monitor and assess the Shift2Rail IP4 demonstrations by liaising between Shift2Rail Call for Members (CFM) projects, Transport Service providers, and users.

The project aims to execute co-creation activities with all partners in IP4MaaS and beyond, coordinate and assess the demonstration activities with the goal of delivering successful demonstrations and a solid demonstration execution scheme that can be utilised by other projects. IP4MaaS will conduct six demonstrations across Europe (Barcelona, Athens, Warsaw, Osijek, Liberec, and Padua) testing IP4 technologies in different contexts.

IP4MaaS can be considered as the successor of another Shift2Rail project, Shift2MaaS. Just like IP4MaaS, this project is also coordinated by UITP and was launched early 2019 to support the uptake and integration of IP4 technologies within a MaaS context.


The IP4MaaS project has the following main objectives:


Design and develop a demonstration execution scheme tackling the supervision of technical integration and demonstrations’ management subjects.

Monitor demonstrations of IP4 technologies in 6 different locations involving different transport operators.

Execute co-creation and collaboration activities with demonstration stakeholders for demonstration planning and executing, and for aligning the opinions of stakeholders on technology usage and integration.

Assess the realised demonstrations to determine the success of their execution and the level of satisfaction of users with the demonstrated technologies.

In Brief


December 2020 – May 2023 (2,5 years)


€2.5 million


UITP (the International Association of Public Transport)


The IP4MaaS consortium consists of 26 partners.

IP4MaaS & IP4

The Shift2Rail (S2R) Innovation Programme 4 (IP4) aims to build a digital ecosystem for door-to door travel in a seamless, multimodal and European-wide transport system based on the railways. IP4 is expected to radically change the way people are travelling in Europe, making railways and public transport more attractive, and addressing key societal trends such as the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and road congestions.

To make travelling around Europe easier, S2R IP4 Call for Members (CFM) projects such as ATTRACkTIVE, CO-ACTIVE, MaaSiveand CONNECTIVE4 and Open Call (OC) projects ST4RT, My-TRAC, SPRINT and RIDE2RAIL developed (and are developing) a technical framework of sophisticated Information Technology (IT) building blocks that can be flexibly combined in multiple configurations into solutions that adapt naturally to multiple scenarios. This contributes to not only making railway services more attractive and intermodal, but to their responding to specific local customer and market requirements.

It is crucial that the building blocks and IT developed within IP4 considers market demands. The long-term CFM project COHESIVE, with the support of the Shift2MaaS project, is consolidating the various building blocks developed by the IP4 projects mentioned above – and those developed in previous IP4 projects – to demonstrate the added value of the developed solutions. IP4MaaS takes up the challenge of providing the individual IT solutions developed in IP4 CFM and OC projects, and consolidated by COHESIVE, by combining them into solutions for specific demonstration scenarios in multiple real environments across Europe.

By collecting and analysing data in these real environments, the project will provide an evidence-based assessment of the IP4 research outcomes from multiple points of view: (i) the effectiveness of the deployment of the IT solutions; (ii) their adaptability to satisfying the diverse requirements of both customers and operators through a common set of building blocks, (iii) the equity of their deployment in society; and (iv) the potential for their acceptance by the market, and in particular by railway operators and their ecosystem.

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